If you want to join a supportive and positive community of self empowered peers…
of seekers and internal alchemists…
and of entrepreneurial, intrapreneurial and business-minded authentic “spiritualists”
then what we have coming down the pipeline is for you!
This is an app-based membership community born as a way to circumvent censorship on social platforms and to connect with Ace’s message more deeply.
The goal is to bring people together from all walks of life that share a singular goal:
Holistic, non-fragmented, practical and grounded self-empowerment generated from the roots of their most authentic selves and connection with the Most High Loving God within who created all things.
We explore the many aspects of being a human being on the planet at this time, and how the “micro”-you plays and fits into the “macro” consciousness of your “Higher”-self, the multi-verse, and the planetary collective consciousness as a whole.
Join Now To Get Early-Bird Pricing, A Lifetime Price Lock-In & Updates For When We Open
(Ends March 31st, 2025)